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to start creating everything you want
to start creating everything you want

Subscribe today
to start creating everything you want
to start creating everything you want

Your Coach's Cred:
Internationally PUBLISHED AUTHOR
TV / FILM ACTOR opposite Emmy and Academy Award Winners and Nominees
Professional Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation
1000+ COACHING HOURS with 50+ 1:1 Clients
Vipassana Meditator of 10 years
200-Hour Yoga Alliance Certified Instructor
“Best Hoomom Ever” – my dog Ned

clients are saying
Before coaching, I was so hard on myself. I was white-knuckling my way through life. Working with Nancy, I’ve learned to trust my intuition, my intelligence, and my big CEO energy. AND the results are mind-blowing.
I’ve DOUBLED my salary at my day job. My business is having its MOST PROFITABLE months in 6 years. My relationships are calm and loving. I treat my body with respect. I am finally living the life of a designer, the life I’ve dreamed of since I was a girl.

Before coaching, I had no idea what having a luminous future would even look like. I have no idea where I’d be without Nancy's insight, support, and calling me on my bullshit. Nancy has helped me not only see the momentum I’m capable of, but also take concrete steps towards creating it.
Now I will be billing for / making more than last year (or any year so far in my working life)! Our time together has revolutionized my day-to-day and my dreams, and has helped me move forwards and upwards in ways I could not have imagined.
So...you think you don’t have what you want because you lack confidence. Your dreams don't come true because you never feel 💯 certain that✨ you are the person for the job✨ othe[...]

Have you ever heard it takes half the length of your relationship to get over it? If so, what would you do if a guy told you he ended a 13-year relationship 🚨 and called off a weddin[...]