Make Art Mondays

Heard of co-working?
Let’s co-create instead!
Start your week by showing up for your creative practice or business alongside fellow artists.

Mondays, 12 noon – 1:30 pm EST
via Zoom

My clients create:

  • Multiple awards at multiple film festivals
  • Paid art commissions
  • Completed stories, music albums, and visual works
  • 2x’ing their ‘day job’ salary
  • Sold out collections with four-figure launches
  • Their first five-figure clients
  • Five-figure national commercial campaigns
  • Creative grants, fellowships, and residencies
  • Their 1st (and 2nd and…) TV roles
  • Several offers for representation
  • 4x last year’s art income

All while working less, finding love, & feeling fulfilled.


  • Multiple awards at multiple film festivals
  • Paid art commissions
  • Completed stories, music albums, and visual works
  • 2x’ing their ‘day job’ salary
  • Sold out collections with four-figure launches
  • Their first five-figure clients
  • Five-figure national commercial campaigns
  • Creative grants, fellowships, and residencies
  • Their 1st (and 2nd and…) TV roles
  • Several offers for representation
  • 4x last year’s art income

All while working less, finding love, & feeling fulfilled.

Clients are saying